Professional Services Offered
Knowing when its time for repairs!
The mortar joints of brick or stone structures become damaged due to harsh weather conditions, particularly excessive amounts of water. Moisture can even damage rock masonry, when water gets in due to weakened mortar joints. Tuck-pointing is a repair process which stops the destructive process and provides numerous benefits. Tuck-pointing is far more cost-effective than a complete tear down and rebuild. The procedure allows you to avoid the expense of completely replacing the structure. Your structures masonry materials are restored to there original condition. The value of your home or chimney is improved when the masonry is in top condition.
Masonry Services-
Brick, Stone and Block replacement
Mortar joint restoration also known as re-pointing or tuck-pointing
Complete restoration of brick & mortar structures - Exterior walls, chimneys, patios, mailboxes, column's, steps or any brick/stone structure.
Waterproof Sealing
Chimney Repairs
Chimney Sweeping/Inspections
Your chimney is an important ventilation system that allows smoke, toxins and dangerous fumes to escape the home. A clean chimney means a safer, more efficient fireplace and home heating appliance.
These creosote and soot build ups from burning out of your chimney are very flammable and can cause a damaging house fire. Other dangers consist of removing any debris, birds' nests, etc., that may additionally have also accumulated in your flue. Whether it's creosote, soot or a different type of debris in your chimney, any of these particles can cause a problem, as they can obstruct the release of smoke from your fireplace. These obstacles could cause a fire hazard, a buildup of carbon monoxide, or excessive smoke stages in your home. It's very important to get your fireplace chimney cleaned once a year to save your fireplace chimney from such hazards.
Some Of Our Services Below-
Chimney sweeping and Full Inspections (All Levels Offered)
Video Inspections- We offer our customers a video inspection of the whole flue liner so that you see what the technician sees.
Chimney Repair's- brick/stone repairs and much more...
Chimney Cap's- Various Types,color, and material
Flue Lining - Clay flue tile replacement and Stainless Steel Flues Liner's
Chimney Crown Coating/Repair- Rubberized Coating that comes with a 10 year warranty helps prevent cracking/Leaks through the top of the chimney.
Firebox/Smoke Chamber Repairs - We offer firebox brick/panel replacement along with smoke chamber,damper doors etc..
We also sale fireplace/chimney accessories and more!!!
Other Services
More Info
For more information about warranties,scheduling, payment types accepted, Or any other important information please visit our (More Info Page ) here on the website Thank You and have a blessed day.
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Office- (740) 279-0523
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Serving Central and Eastern Ohio